Game studio for serious games and gamification

Why a Serious Game or Gamification

You play when: you feel challenged by the rules, you feel in control, you feel safe to experiment, you discover, you laugh, you push boundaries, and you’re curious. It is the natural way to learn and the future of teaching. With a serious game, your target group doesn’t have to perform dull study tasks, and doesn’t neet to attend boring presentations or talks. A serious game stimulates natural learning as your users experience, discover and overcome!
With our games, for example, children learn to read better, students learn to write better, citizens learn to perform resuscitation, and nurses discover the importance of hand hygiene.
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Orbit Games LogoGame Tailors is an Orbit Games brand

Serious games tailor-made

Unfortunately, we see many developed serious games that don’t always work effectively, because the game elements have been misdeployed. We distinguish ourselves by exploiting the yin-yang between playing and learning. Our mission is to achieve effective solutions with the help of our game design expertise, creativity and your domain knowledge.
With our methodology, inspired by Design Thinking, Scrum and co-design sessions, we ensure that developing a serious game is enjoyable and inspires confidence among our customers. Comprehensive testing and understanding your target group is at least as important.
Who are we?

I'm curious!

Want to know what a serious game can mean for you? Or do you already have a concrete idea? Small or big: don’t leave it on the shelf! Contact Game Tailors and together with you we explore the possibilities.

    Wat ik echt fijn vind aan Game Tailors is hoe bijna feilloos ze de eisen van hun klanten omzetten in een effectief spelontwerp

    Dr. H.K. (Heide) LukoschAssociate Professor, TU Delft